Interatomic Potentials - Why we still need them and how can we improve them
by Sir C. Richard A. Catlow (University College London and Cardiff University, United Kingdom)
From ontology to practical applications
by Emanuele Ghedini (University of Bologna, Italy)
Modelling gaps (and benefits) at the
electronic and atomistic levels in industry
by Ludovic Briquet (Johnson Matthey, UK)
From DFT to precipitation and strengthening in Aluminum Alloys
by William Curtin (EPFL, CH)
Accelerated materials design for carbon capture using atomistic and data
driven modelling integrated with industrial scale process simulations
by Tom Woo (University of Ottawa, CA)
Ontologies and Chemistry
Colin Batchelor (Royal Society of Chemistry, UK)
Ontologies in Computational Materials Science: The NOMAD experience
by Luca M. Ghiringhelli (NOMAD, Fritz-Haber-Institute, DE)
Applied ontology and its use in product and production modeling
by Stefano Borgo (ISTC CNR, Laboratory for Applied Ontology, IT)
Lunch Break
Małgorzata Celuch (QWED, PL)
Development of Li-ion Battery Models from Electro-impedance Spectroscopy Data
by Ferry Kienberger (Keysight Research Labs, AT)
Application of Modelling Tools for the Electrical Characterisation of Organic Semiconductors
by Olivier Douheret (MateriaNova, BE)
Joint application of EM FEM and Data-based Modelling for Detection of Small Defect Structures in Batteries
by Georg Gramse (Johannes Kepler University, AT)
Modelling of energy materials and electrical test-fixtures: developments and Open Platform implementation linking MODAs and CHADAs
by Marzena Olszewska-Placha (QWED, PL)
Working toward Interoperability: Nanomine to Metamine and ontologies
by L. Cate Brinson (Duke University, US)
Towards ontologies for databases interoperability
by Gian-Marco Rignanese (Université Catholique de Louvain, BE)
Tool Suites for Working with Ontologies
by Jean-Baptiste Lamy (LIMICS, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, FR)
A data-model driven approach for semantic interoperability in scientific software
by Thomas Hagelien (SINTEF, NO)
Day 1 - Session Summaries and open Discussion
The digital infrastructures for 21st-century science
by Nicola Marzari (EPFL, Switzerland)
Establishing materials modelling marketplaces: from interoperability to cooperation
by Martin T. Horsch (HLRS, DE)
Material Data Digitalisation Challenges in an Engineering Commercial Environment
by Marco Musto (Matmatch, DE)
From Design to Manufacturing - the Materials Zone platform
by Assaf Anderson (MaterialsZone, IL)
DOME 4.0 - Enabling interoperability and collaboration in a digital marketplace ecosystem
by Amit Bhave (CMCL Innovations, UK)
Business opportunities for materials science software
by Kurt Stokbro (Stokbro Invest, DK)
Speed-up lubricant formulation with computational chemistry tools
by Sophie Loehle (TOTAL, FR)
Advancing automotive innovation with materials modeling
by Jonathan Mueller (Volkswagen, DE)
Lunch Break
Digitalisation of materials innovation
by Bryce Meredig (Citrine Informatics, USA)
Gerhard Goldbeck(EMMC Executive Secretary / Goldbeck Consulting, UK)
FAIR policies and practices in EOSC
by Brian Matthews (UKRI STFC Rutherford Appelton Laboratory, UK)
EnzymeML: FAIR data management in biocatalysis
by Jürgen Pleiss (University of Stuttgart, DE)
Interconnecting data repositories: The Platform Material Digital (BMBF)
by Birgit Skrotzki, (BAM Materials Engineering, DE)
Building federated FAIR Data Spaces
by Yann Le Franc (eScience Data Factory, FR)
Development and Evolution of Materials Modelling Software
by Scott Woodley (UCL, UK)
Addressing Industrial Needs for Atomistic Simulations through OpenKIM
by Ellad Tadmor (University of Minnesota, US)
Building a Materials Engineering Software Product: From Academic Research to Commercialization
by Flavio Souza (Siemens Digital Industries Software, US)
Day 2 - Session Summaries and open Discussion
Ontology for business opportunities for simulation and comparison of methods
by Anne de Baas (Belgium)
Materials modelling and digitalisation - a key enabler for industrial innovation in Horizon Europe
by Søren Bøwadt (European Commission DG Research & Innovation, EC)
Chair: Nadja Adamovic (EMMC ASBL President / TU Wien, Austria)
Challenges for Airbus in the domain of the digitalization of Composite materials
by Melanie Herman (Airbus, France)
Natalia Konchakova
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, DE)
Scenarios for Industrial Decision Making
by Rudolf Koopmans (Koopmans Consulting, CH)
Ecosystem of a Software Owner towards Translation in Materials Engineering
by Stijn Donders (Siemens Digital Industries Software, BE)
A business model for Translation based on open source software
by Henrik Rusche (WIKKI, DE)
Tools for the merge of business economics, translation and decision systems for simulation
by Anne de Baas (BE)
Nadja Adamovic
(EMMC ASBL President / TU Wien, AT)
Implementation strategy of the EMMC Roadmap
by Erich Wimmer (EMMC ASBL BoD Member / Materials Design, FR)
Demonstrating Impact
by Donna Dykeman (Ansys, UK)
Materials Modelling and Digitalisation: a core technology in a post-COVID world
by Gerhard Goldbeck (EMMC Executive Secretary / Goldbeck Consulting, UK)
A View from Academia: the Longest-term Perspective?
by Peter Haynes (Imperial College London, UK)
Next Generation computing at BASF
by Brian Chol Soo Standen (BASF Corporation, US)
The future, designed by materials modeling - A specialty chemicals perspective
by Thomas Asche (Evonik Operations, DE)
Gerhard Goldbeck
(EMMC Executive Secretary / Goldbeck Consulting, UK)
Benchmark of R&I programmes with the EMMC roadmap priorities
by Esther Hurtós (EURECAT, ES)
Towards pairing up materials modelling and characterisation
by Javier Sanfélix & Yanaris Ortega Garcia (DG RTD, EC)
Advanced Materials research and development in the European Defence Fund
by Erno Vandeweert (DG Defence Industry and Space, EC)
Digital Europe: Path towards Exascale and Quantum Computing. Opportunities for materials modelling and digital transformation
by Matteo Mascagni (DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, EC)
Challenges in the Supply Chains for the Green Transition
by Alessandro Cavalli (JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE, Directorate C: Energy, Transport & Climate, EC)
Day 3 - Session Summaries and open Discussion
Conclusion and Goodbye by Nadja Adamovic (EMMC President)
APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna, Austria
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Join the EMMC 2025 International Workshop to meet peers and discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.