5th EMMC International Workshop 2025

APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna (AT)


Accelerated Innovation and Sustainability by a Materials Modelling and Data Ecosystem

Submit your poster!  Use the possibility of a poster contribution by presenting scientific results, your organisation or European projects.
Registration: A limited number of reduced registration rates are available for PhD students submitting a poster.

In times of fundamental change and uncertainty, there is an increased sense of urgency in dealing with pressing issues related to climate change and sustainable use of resources, demanding accelerated scientific and technological advances that translate into industrial uptake and ensure industrial leadership[1].

Materials are at the core of every product and every process; advanced materials have delivered unforetold performance and product advances benefitting all sectors of life. On the other hand, materials are a finite and valuable resource, and their processing from mining or synthesis to re-cycling may be energy intensive.

Accelerating innovation in advanced materials and ensuring sustainability requires a step-change not only in materials research techniques such as advanced modelling and characterisation methods, but also in bringing together expertise and information (data with meaning) that meets the highly complex decisions that underly the innovation process and materials life cycle. Required are much improved, FAIR data integration, trust and transparency, fast, reliable and traceable decision systems, as well as sophisticated models.

The EMMC 2025 International Workshop will discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.

The workshop will discuss these points from different perspectives including

  • Advancements in modelling and integration with characterisation
  • Digitalisation and Interoperability including Materials Commons [2]
  • Software development, deployment and maintenance
  • Adoption in industrial ecosystems
  • Sustainability
  • Policy

The EMMC International Workshop is a leading, cross-cutting event where stakeholders from different materials & digital fields in industry and academia get together to discuss topics of strategic importance and elaborate on gaps and potential actions to move the field forward. Previous EMMC International Workshops had more than a third of participants coming from industry, benefitting from the opportunity to get a high level overview of key trends.

EMMC 2025 will again be located in central Vienna, in the main building of TU Wien. It will feature high-level plenaries from leading experts in industry and academia,  discussion sessions stimulated by invited “Impulse” talks, and contributed posters with short presentations in each session.

[1] See also the EC Communication on Advanced Materials for Industrial Leadership
[2] See Materials 2030 Roadmap https://www.ami2030.eu/roadmap/ , and EMMC Roadmap on Digital Transformation of Materials Science https://emmc.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/EMMC_Roadmap-v2023.03-v3-publ.pdf


Materials, Digitalisation and the Green Transition form a closely connected triangle. 

Materials are at the core of industrial processes, products and their functions and properties. The Green Transition, including advances in sustainability and safety crucially depends on materials innovation, which itself relies on digital technologies from modelling to data and knowledge representations. 

Digitalisation advances materials innovation and the green transition, for example by providing the ability to carry out monitoring and tracking, simulation and forecasting, visualisation, systems and knowledge management and by enabling new levels of interactions [1].
EMMC 2023 Banner


Plenary Talks

Ekin Dogus Cubuk (USA)
Can AI revolutionize materials discovery?
Chiara Pernechele (Dallara Automobili spa, Italy)
Advanced and sustainable composite materials in motorsport: an industrial perspective
Masahiko Demura (NIMS, Japan)
Materials DX Platform Initiatives in Japan
Thierry Deutsch (CEA, France)
DIADEM (Material Acceleration Platforms) and NUMPEX (HPC) projects
Eva-Kathrin Schillinger (IAM-I, Belgium)
IAM4EU – the new co-programmed public private partnership for Advanced Materials under Horizon Europe
David Rouquie (ECETOC, Belgium )
Contribution toward safer and sustainable- by-design crop protection products
Wide Hogenhout (EC-DG RTD – unit "Industrial Transformation", Belgium)
Strategy on Advanced Materials for European Leadership


April 7, 2025
April 8, 2025
April 9, 2025
April 10, 2025

Tuesday, April 8, 2025

09:00 - 10:00
Registration & Coffee
10:00 - 10:15
Welcome by EMMC
10:20 - 10:50
Plenary 1
Can AI revolutionize materials discovery?
by Ekin Dogus Cubuk (USA)
10:50 - 12:30

Materials Modelling 2.0
by Mike Payne (Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK)

Bridging physics and AI: the potential of data-driven approaches for advanced energy materials and solar fuels
by Luca Bergamasco (Politecnico di Torino, IT)

Who believes in modelling?
Lessons learnt in a European cement research project
by Sophie Schmid (TU Wien, AT)
Lessons learnt in a European SME
by Malgorzata Celuch (QWED, PL)


European Projects
12:30 - 13:45
13:45 - 13:50
13:50 - 14:20
Plenary 2
Advanced and sustainable composite materials in motorsport: an industrial perspective
by Chiara Pernechele (Dallara Automobili spa, IT)
14:20 - 14:50

Poster Presentations

Moderation: Malgorzata Celuch (QWED, PL)

Local Environment-induced Atomic Features (LEAFs)
by Andrij Vasylenko (University of Liverpool, UK)

Active Learning of Physics Aware Potentials for Nanostructured Systems: Application in Gas Sensing
by Nikolaos Patsalidis (The Cyprus Institute, CY)

Graph Neural Network-Based Surrogate Model of Hot Stamping Finite-Element Simulations
by Pol Torres (EURECAT, ES)

Mesoscopic Water Model Polarisation: Knowledge in extending apolar CG water models to meet the needs for simulations of highly ionic electrolyte solutions in Redox Flow Batteries
by Ilian Todorov (UKRI-STFC, UK)

From 1 to 200 features in model regression – what's the gain? Transforming materials characterization signals to structural information
by Kersti Hermansson (Uppsala University, SE)

Generating, sorting and standardizing microscopy data with Artificial Intelligence
by Michael Sluydts (ePotentia, BE)

From OpMetBat to HyMetBat A Metrology Study on Operando Cycling of Li-ion batteries
by Maria Alfredsson (University of Kent, UK)

by Lukasz Novicki (QWED, PL)

European Projects
14:50 - 15:20
Coffee Break
15:20 - 17:00

Advanced modelling and characterization for next-generation power devices
by Andre Clausner (Fraunhofer IKTS, DE)

Pushing the limits in space and time using advanced synchrotron characterization techniques for microelectronics applications
by Peter Imrich (KAI GmbH, AT)

Survey of the practices, needs and challenges of the characterisation and modelling workflow in the EU-Projects: AddMorePower, AID4GREENEST, CoBrain, MatCHMaker and D-Standart
by Alexandre Ouzia (Heidelberg Materials, DE)

D-STANDART: Upgrading materials characterization for composite structures
by Julian DeMarchi (NLR, NL)


17:00 - 17:40

Sponsored Presentations

Moderation: Gerhard Goldbeck (EMMC, BE & GCL, UK)

Latest topics of J-OCTA, multiscale simulation and data science
by Koji Okuwaki (JSOL Corporation, JP)

Transforming materials discovery with AI
by Anthony Onwuli (Matnex, UK)

Revolutionizing Materials Discovery with Matlantis: Fast, Scalable Atomic Simulations
by Taku Watanabe (Preferred Computational Chemistry, Inc., JP)

European Projects
18:00 - 20:30

Stakeholder Networking Event & Horizon Europe Brokerage Event kick-off

Plenary Room
16:00 - 16:30

Day 1 - Session Summaries and open Discussion

Individual External Rooms

Wednesday, April 9, 2025

09:00 - 09:35
Plenary 3
Materials DX Platform Initiatives in Japan
by Masahiko Demura (NIMS, JP)
09:35 - 10:10
Plenary 4
DIADEM (Material Acceleration Platforms) and NUMPEX (HPC) projects
by Thierry Deutsch (CEA, FR)
European Projects
Horizon Europe Brokerage
10:10 - 10:45
Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:25

S3 - Interoperability and Digitalisation

Interoperability and data sharing across boundaries

Chairs: Simon Stier (Fraunhofer ISC, DE)Jesper Friis (SINTEF, NO)

Invited presentation
by David Elbert (Johns Hopkins University, USA)

Ontology-Driven Digitalisation of Laboratory Research in Materials Science
by Marta Dembska (DLR, DE)

Digital Transformation in Materials Science and Engineering: Advancing Ontologies through the German Initiatives Platform MaterialDigital (PMD) and NFDI-MatWerk
by Hossein Beygi Nasrabadi (FIZ Karlsruhe, DE)

EMMO 1.0.0 release
by Emanuele Ghedini (UNIBO, IT)

Materials Commons – the EU and Austrian perpective
by Alexander Pogány, (Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, AT)


European Projects
Horizon Europe Brokerage
12:25- 13:25
13:25 - 13:55
Strategy on Advanced Materials for European Leadership
by Wide Hogenhout (DG RTD – unit "Industrial Transformation", BE)
13:55 - 15:35

S4 - Software

AI driven software and digital infrastructures design and performance

Chairs: Natalia Bedoya-Martinez (MCL, AT)Ilian Todorov (UKRI, UK)

Materials modelling across different scales with different tools – a perspective from the meso scale
by Christoph Kloss (DCS-Computing, AT)

Challenges in magnetic materials modelling
by Thomas Schrefl (University for Continuing Education Krems, AT)

AI in Materials Modelling: A Game Changer?
by Volker Eyert (Materials Design, FR)


European Projects
Horizon Europe Brokerage
15:35 - 16:05
Coffee Break
16:05 - 17:10

Poster Presentations - Interoperability and Digitalisation

Moderation: Emanuele Ghedini (UNIBO, IT)

Standardization of Materials R&D Data Schema and Keywords
by Kwang-Ryeol Lee (Korea Institute of Science and Technology, KR)

VMAP Standard and ontologies enabling interoperability and digitalization in the manufacturing domain
by Klaus Wolf (Fraunhofer SCAI, DE)

Modular workflow components by FAIR input and output
by Francesca L. Bleken (SINTEF, NO)

An actionable inventory of material data characteristics based on MSE ontologies 
by Simon Stier (Fraunhofer ISC, DE)

Explainable-AI-ready materials modelling data and metadata documentation for digital twins and the digital product passport
by Martin Thomas Horsch (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NO)

Large Language Models (LLMs)
by Ines Pérez Couñago (AIMEN, ES)

Knowledge representation of battery manufacturing supported by an integrated ontology system
by Gerhard Goldbeck (Goldbeck Consulting Ltd., UK)
PREMISE: Enabling seamless data exchange for future autonomous labs
by Edan Bainglass (Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), CH)
Leveraging Data Models for Real-Time Predictions in Material Process Digitalization
by Amir Horr (Light Metals Technologies Ranshofen - AIT, AT)
Ontology for magnetic materials based on EMMO
by Wilfried Hortschitz (Danube University Krems, AT)
MaMMoS-MAgneticMultiscale MOdelling Suite
by Santa Pile (Danube University Krems, AT)
European Projects
Horizon Europe Brokerage

SOCIAL EVENT - Transfer by bus via Ringstrasse - Praterstern - UNO City Vienna to Donauturm


SOCIAL EVENT - Visit Donauturm

19:30 - 21:30

SOCIAL EVENT - Joint Dinner at Restaurant "Donaubräu"

Plenary Room
16:00 - 16:30

Day 1 - Session Summaries and open Discussion

Individual External Rooms

Thursday, April 10, 2025

09:05 - 09:35
Plenary 5
IAM4EU – the new co-programmed public private partnership for Advanced Materials under Horizon Europe
by Eva Kathrin Schillinger (IAM-I, BE)
09:40 - 10:20

Poster Presentations

Moderation: Esther Hurtos (EURECAT, ES)

Bridging AI and Sustainability: Advancing Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) for Next-Gen Coating Materials
by Elias Koumoulos (IRES, BE)

Jaqpot: A computational cloud platform supporting the design of safe and sustainable chemicals and materials
by Philip Doganis  (NTUA, GR)

ORCHESTER – Digital Ecosystem for Resilient and Sustainable Material Supply
by Dirk Helm (Fraunhofer IWM, DE)

CuspAI: AI-Driven Material Science
by Fergus Mcilwaine (CuspAI, UK)

Fatigue Benchmark Repository - FABER (CA23109)
by Kris Hectors ( Ghent University, BE)

PIONEER: An open innovation platform for optimising for optimising production systems by combining product development, virtual engineering workflows and production data
by Felix Vidal (AIMEN Technology Center, ES)

Driving Digital Transformation in Advanced Materials: The DiMAT Project's Open Innovation Approach
by Yoav Nahshon (Fraunhofer IWM, DE)

MatCHMaker project
by Nadja Adamovic (TU Wien, AT)



European Projects
Horizon Europe Brokerage
10:20 - 10:50
Coffee Break
10:50 - 12:30

Invited presentation #1
by NN (Organisation, Country)

Beyond Basic Models: Strategic Approaches to Industrial Material Modeling
by Patrycja Polinska (Goodyear, LU)

Multiscale Modelling : An Industrial Perspective
by Misbah Sarwar (Johnson Matthey, UK)


European Projects
Horizon Europe Brokerage
12:30 - 13:45
13:45 - 13:50
S6 - Sustainability
Sustainability as innovation driver for a zero-pollution and climate-neutral future
13:50 - 14:20
Plenary 6
Contribution toward safer and sustainable- by-design crop protection products
by David Rouquie (ECETOC, BE)
14:20 - 15:00

Computational model integration across SSbD dimensions on advanced materials and chemicals: development driven by industry and innovators needs
by Martin Himly (Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, AT)

M2DESCO SSbD methodologies applied to the design of metallurgical coatings based on high entropy multielement compositions
by Gonzalo Garcia Fuentes (Asociación de la Industria Navarra, ES)


European Projects
Horizon Europe Brokerage
Coffee & Farewell