The Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology (EMMO)

EMMO is the result of a multidisciplinary effort within the EMMC, aimed at the development of a standard representational framework for the applied sciences and engineering. Instead of starting from general upper-level concepts, as done by other ontologies, the EMMO development started from the representational requirements of physics and material science.  

The EMMO has grown from the bottom (i.e., scientific application field) to the top (i.e., conceptualisation), staying focused on the original scope while at the same time maintaining an approach that is as general as possible. The ontological framework has been built on the foundations of physics combined with analytical philosophy.  EMMO rigorously captures the multi-scale nature of materials, the causal nature of interactions, and the strong connection between materials properties and metrology. Furthermore, its novel “Perspectives” approach enables multiple views of the world to co-exist and enrich each other. The middle level of the EMMO facilitates the application of the high-level concepts to users with limited or no background in ontologies.



It is released under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.

Literature and Ontologies related to EMMO


From Causation (and Parthood) to Time: The Case of EMMOF. A. Zaccarini, C. Masolo, E. Ghedini, and S. BorgoPaper2023DOI
Review and Alignment of Domain-Level Ontologies for Materials ScienceA. De Baas, P. Del Nostro, J. Friis, E. Ghedini, G. Goldbeck, I. M. Paponetti, A. Pozzi, A. Sarkar, L. Yang, F. A. Zaccarini, and D. TotiPaper2023pdf
Reliable and interoperable computational molecular engineering: 2. Semantic interoperability based on the European Materials and Modelling OntologyM. T. Horsch, S. Chiacchiera, Y. Bami, G. J Schmitz, G. Mogni, G. Goldbeck, and E. GhediniPaper2020pdf
A Practical Approach to Ontology-Based Data Modelling for Semantic Interoperability.T. Hagelien, H. Preisig, J. Friis, P. Klein, and N. KonchakovaConf Paper2020link
Mechanical Testing Ontology for Digital-Twins: a Roadmap Based on EMMO.J. F. Morgado, E. Ghedini, G. Goldbeck, A. Hashibon, G. J Schmitz, J. Friis, and A. F. de BaasConf Paper2020pdf
A Reference Language and Ontology for Materials Modelling and InteroperabilityG. Goldbeck, E. Ghedini, A. Hashibon, G. J. Schmitz, and J. Friis, Conf Paper2019ResearchGate
Ontologies for the Virtual Materials Marketplace.M. T. Horsch, S. Chiacchiera, M. A. Seaton, I. T. Todorov, K. Šindelka, M. Lísal, B. Andreon, E. Bayro Kaiser, G. Mogni, G. Goldbeck, R. Kunze, G. Summer, A. Fiseni, H. Brüning, P. Schiffels, and W. Leite Cavalcanti Paper2020DOI
OSMO: Ontology for simulation, modelling, and optimizationM. T. Horsch, D. Toti, S. Chiacchiera, M. A. Seaton, G. Goldbeck, and I. T. TodorovConf Paper2021pdf
CHAMEO: An ontology for the harmonisation of materials characterisation methodologiesP. Del Nostro, G. Goldbeck, and D. TotiPaper2022DOI
Modeling experts, knowledge providers and expertise in Materials Modeling: MAEO as an application ontology of EMMO’s ecosystem P. Del Nostro, G. Goldbeck, A. Pozzi, and D. TotiPaper2023DOI
Domain-specific metadata standardization in materials modellingM. T. Horsch, J. Francisco Morgado, G. Goldbeck, D. Iglezakis, N. A. Konchakova, B. SchemberaConf Paper2021pdf
MAEO: An Ontology for Modeling Agents, Experts and Expertise within an Open Online Materials Modeling MarketPlaceG. Goldbeck and D. TotiConf Paper2021pdf
The CHAMEO Ontology: Exploiting EMMO’s Multiperspective Versatility for Capturing Materials Characterization ProceduresP. Del Nostro, G. Goldbeck, and D. TotiConf Paper2022pdf
Bringing together materials and business ontologies for protective coatings.N. A. Konchakova, H. A. Preisig, C. Kavka, M. T. Horsch, P. Klein, and S. Belouettar Conf Paper2022zenodo
Introduction to the VIMMP ontologiesM. T. Horsch, S. Chiacchiera, M. A. Seaton, I. T. Todorov, D. Toti, and G. GoldbeckSoftware Documentation2021zenodo
Report on Workshop on Interoperability in Materials ModellingG. Goldbeck and A. SimperlerReport2018zenodo
Semantic data exchange ontologyE. Ghedini, A. Hashibon, and J. FriisProject Deliverable2022zenodo
Update recommendations for the Review of Materials Modelling, in particular regarding the reference architecture for metadata based semantic interoperability CreatorsE. GhediniProject Deliverable2019zenodo
EMMO's Theoretical FoundationsF. ZaccariniPoster2023zenodo
Application of an ontology based process model construction tool for active protective coatings: Corrosion inhibitor releaseP. Klein, H. A. Preisig, M. T. Horsch, and N. KonchakovaConf Paper2021zenodo
Aspects of data interoperability via ontologies in DOME4.0 and OntoCommons projectsS. ChiacchieraPoster2023zenodo
Semantic interoperability based on the European Materials and Modelling Ontology and its ontological paradigm: MereosemioticsM .T. Horsch, S. Chiacchiera, B. Schembera, M. A. Seaton, I. T. TodorovConf Paper2021zenodo
Fundamental philosophical commitments for Top-Level Ontologies.O. HoltzBlog2023zenodo
LCA Ontology: From ISO 14040 knowledge to EMMOI. M. PaponettiPoster2023zenodo
OntoCommons D2.2 - TLOMLO Landscape Analysis ReportL. A. Slaughter and J. OttenProject Deliverable2022zenodo
A report on the Workshop "Towards Materials and Manufacturing Commons - the enablers Digital Marketplaces, FAIR Principles and Ontologies"J. Francisco Morgado, S. Chiacchiera, Y. Le Franc, M. Poveda-Villalón, H. Karray, M. Gall, Y. Nahshon, D. Helm, Dirk, A. Simperler, and G. GoldbeckReport2023zenodo
OntoCommons D3.9 - Report on the first focused workshop on domain ontologiesS. ChiacchieraProject Deliverable2021zenodo The Ontology Repository for Materials ScienceA. ValdestilhasPoster2023zenodo
CHAMEO: Characterisation Methodology OntologyP. Del NostroPoster2023zenodo
Pragmatic Interoperability and Translation of Industrial Engineering Problems into Modelling and Simulation SolutionsM. T. Horsch, S. Chiacchiera, M. A. Seaton, I. T. Todorov, B. Schembera, P. Klein, and N. A. KonchakovaConf Paper2021zenodo
Toward a Unified Description of Battery Data.S. Clark, F. L. Bleken, S. Stier, E. Flores, C. Welzel Andersen, M. Marcinek, A. Szczesna-Chrzan, M. Gaberscek, M. Rosa Palacin, M. Uhrin, and J. FriisPaper2021DOI
Topology-Based Construction of Business-Integrated Material Modelling Workflows.H. A. Preisig, P. Klein, N. Konchakova, T. F. Hagelien, J. Friis, and M. T. HorschPaper2022DOI
Ontology-Based Battery Production Dataspace and Its Interweaving with Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Data AnalyticsS. P. Stier, X. Xu, L. Gold, and M. MöckelPaper2024DOI
Towards Enhancing Open Innovation Efficiency: A Method for Ontological Integration of BPMN and EMMOC. Feltus, D. Nicolas, C. Kavka, D. Khadraoui, S. Belouttar, N. Konchakova, H. A. Preisig, P. KleinConf Paper2023DOI
Synergizing ontologies and graph databases for highly flexible materials-to-device workflow representations.M. Dreger, M. J. Eslamibidgoli, M. H. Eikerling, and K. Malek Paper2023DOI
Toward semantic standard and process ontology for Additive manufacturingS. Gouttebroze, J. Friis, E. W. Hovig, and K. BoiviePaper2023pdf
MAMBO: a lightweight ontology for multiscale materials and applicationsF. Le Piane, M. Baldoni, M. Gaspari, and F. MercuriPaper2023pdf
DISO: A Domain Ontology for Modeling Dislocations in Crystalline Materials A. Zainul Ihsan, S. Fathalla, and S. Sandfeld Paper2023pdf
Toward a Li-Ion Battery Ontology Covering Production and Material StructureM. Mutz, M. Perovic, P. Gümbel, V. Steinbauer, A. Taranovskyy, Y. Li, L. Beran, T. Käfer, K. Dröder, V. Knoblauch, A. Kwade, V. Presser, D. Werth, and T. Krauspaper2023DOI
Semantic Web and its Role in Facilitating ICT Data Sharing for the Circular Economy: An Ontology SurveyA. Kurteva, K. McMahon, A. Bozzon, and R. Balkenendepaper2023pdf
Translation Ontology of optimal Decision Making along a Distributed Production Chain by ExampleP. Klein, H. A. Preisig, N. KonchakovaPaper2023DOI
European standardization efforts from FAIR toward explainable-AI-ready data documentation in materials modellingM. T. Horsch, B. Schembera, H. A. Preisigpaper2023pdf
A Concise Ontological Model of Properties in the Quantum Cascade Laser DomainD. Kerre, A. Laurent, K. Maussang, and D. Owuorpaper2023pdf
A Survey of General Ontologies for the Cross-Industry Domain of Circular EconomyH. Li, M. Abd Nikooie Pour, Y. Li, M. Lindecrantz, E. Blomqvist, and P. LambrixConf Paper2023pdf
OntoSoC: An ontology-based approach to battery pack SoC estimationA. Eddine Hamouni, F. Giustozzi, A. Samet, A. Ayadi, S. Arbaoui, T. MesbahiConf Paper2023DOI
MSLE: An ontology for materials science laboratory equipment – Large-scale devices for materials characterizationM. Jalali, M. Mail, R. Aversa, C. Kübel Paper2023DOI

Shared metadata for data-centric materials science

L. M. Ghiringhelli, C. Baldauf, T. Bereau, S. Brockhauser, C. Carbogno, J. Chamanara, S. Cozzini, S. Curtarolo, C. Draxl, S. Dwaraknath, Á. Fekete, J. Kermode, C. T. Koch, M. Kühbach, A. Noe Ladines, P. Lambrix, M.-O. Himmer, S. V. Levchenko, M. Oliveira, A. Michalchuk, R. E. Miller, B. Onat, P. Pavone, G. Pizzi, B. Regler, G.-M. Rignanese, J. Schaarschmidt, M. Scheidgen, A. Schneidewind, T. Sheveleva, C. Su, D. Usvyat, O. Valsson, C. Wöll and M. Scheffler Paper2023DOI
Toward a digital materials mechanical testing labH. Beygi Nasrabadi, T. Hanke, M. Weber, M. Eisenbart, F. Bauer, R. Meissner, G. Dziwis, L. Tikana, Y. Chen, and B. Skrotzki Paper2023DOI

Materials characterisation and software tools as key enablers in Industry 5.0 and wider acceptance of new methods and products

G. Konstantopoulos, C. A. Charitidis, M. A. Bañares, R. Portela, N. Zangenberg, E. Capria, M. Sebastiani, G. Goldbeck, E. Koumoulos, B. Boskovic, S. Diplas, N. Konchakova, I. Todorov, D. Dykeman, S. G. Avataneo, M. Falzetti, E. Lozano Diz, J. J. Reinosa, E. Burov, D. Škrelić , N. Jeliazkova, B. Barton, G. Masotti, T. Tamarozzi, and I. Moya AlcónPaper2023DOI

Ontology-based semantic interoperability on the Virtual Materials Marketplace

M. T. Horsch, S. Chiacchiera, M. A. Seaton, I. T. Todorov, R. Kunze, G. Summer, A. Fiseni, B. Andreon, A. Scotto Di Minico, E. Bayro Kaiser, G. Kanagalingam, S. Stephan, K. Šindelka, M. Lísal, J. Díaz Brañas, I. Pagonabarraga, M. Chiricotto, J. D. Elliott, P. Carbone, D. Toti, and G. MogniConf Paper2020zenodo
H. Preisig, T. Hagelien, J. Friis, P. Klein, and N. KonchakovaConf Paper2020Scipedia
Ontology-Based Process Modelling-with Examples of Physical Topologies H. A. PreisigPaper2021DOI

Quantitative Mereology: An Essay to Derive Physics Laws from a Philosophical Concept

G. J. SchmitzPaper2019pdf

A data management perspective on building material classification: A systematic review

Julia Kaltenegger, Kirstine Meyer Frandsen, and Ekaterina PetrovaPaper2024DOI
MBCO: The Materials-Based Business Case Ontology from BPMN-EMMO Integration. Christophe Feltus, Peter Klein, Natalia Konchakova, Damien Nicolas, Carlos Kavka, Martin T. Horsch, Heinz A. Preisig, Djamel Khadraoui and Salim Belouettar Conf Paper2024DOI
Battery testing ontology: An EMMO-based semantic framework for representing knowledge in battery testing and battery quality controlPierluigi Del Nostro, Gerhard Goldbeck, Ferry Kienberger, Manuel Moertelmaier, Andrea Pozzi, Nawfal Al-Zubaidi-R-Smith, and Daniele TotiPaper2025DOI
Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology (EMMO): A foundational ontology for science-based applications.Goldbeck, Gerhard; Ghedini, Emanuele; Zaccharini, Francesco; Friis, JesperPoster2024zenodo
Developing Ontologies in Materials Science.Cantrill, Vikki; de Baas, Anne; Roscioni, Otello; Goldbeck, Gerhard; Report2024zenodo
Top level ontologies: desirable characteristics in the context of materials science.Del Nostro, P., Friis, J., Ghedini, E., Goldbeck, G., Toti, D., Zaccarini, F. A.Conf Proceedings2024DOI
Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology: Leveraging Perspectives via a Showcase of EMMO-Based Domain and Application Ontologies.Pierluigi Del Nostro, Jesper Friis, Emanuele Ghedini, Gerhard Goldbeck, Oskar Holtz, Otello Maria Roscioni, Francesco Antonio Zaccarini and Daniele TotiConf Proceedings2024pdf
Materials science and ontologieFriis, Jesper; Goldbeck, Gerhard; Gouttebroze, Sylvain; Lønstad Bleken, Francesca; Ghedini, EmanueleBook Chapter2024zenodo
Performance Evaluation of Upper-Level Ontologies in Developing Materials Science Ontologies and Knowledge GraphsBeygi Nasrabadi, Hossein; Norouzi, Ebrahim; Sack, Harald; Skrotzki, Birgit; Paper2024DOI
A materials terminology knowledge graph automatically constructed from text corpusZhang, Yuwei; Chen, Fangyi; Liu, Zeyi; Ju, Yunzhuo; Cui, Dongliang; Zhu, Jinyi; Jiang, Xue; Guo, Xi; He, Jie; Zhang, Lei; Paper2024DOI
Exploration of core concepts required for mid- and domain-level ontology development to facilitate explainable-AI-readiness of data and modelsHorsch, Martin T; Chiacchiera, Silvia; Todorov, Ilian T; Correia, Ana Teresa; Dey, Aditya; Konchakova, Natalia A; Scholze, Sebastian; Stephan, Simon; Tøndel, Kristin; Sarkar, Arkopaul; Conf Paper2024zenodo
The landscape of ontologies in materials science and engineering: A survey and evaluationEbrahim Norouzi, Jörg Waitelonis, Harald SackPaper2024DOI
Digital Methods for the Fatigue Assessment of Engineering SteelsFliegener, Sascha; Rosenberger, Johannes; Luke, Michael; Domínguez, José Manuel; Francisco Morgado, Joana; Kobialka, Hans‐Ulrich; Kraft, Torsten; Tlatlik, Johannes; Paper2024DOI
Semantic Knowledge Management for Materials: the benefits of a FAIR data and model-based approach in industrial research and developmentNadja Adamovic, Francesca L. Bleken, Alessandro Calvio, Vikki Cantrill, Vinicius Carrillo Beber, Seán Courtney, Anders Eklund, Gerhard Goldbeck, Fajar J. Ekaputra, Luca Foschini, Jesper Friis, Emanuele Ghedini, Thomas F. Hagelien, Guntur B. Herwanto, Natalia Konchakova, Daniel Höche, Welchy Leite Cavalcanti, Alessio Mora, Michael Noeske, Florina Piroi, Peter Schiffels, Alexandra Simperler and Sean StijvenReport2024zenodo
Modeling dislocation dynamics data using semantic web technologiesIhsan, Ahmad Zainul; Fathalla, Said; Sandfeld, Stefan; Paper2024DOI
An ontology-based text mining dataset for extraction of process-structure-property entitiesDurmaz, Ali Riza; Thomas, Akhil; Mishra, Lokesh; Murthy, Rachana Niranjan; Straub, Thomas; Paper2024DOI
Ontology Based Knowledge System for Ceramic Multi-Layer ComponentsSahar Ben Hassine and Rainer StarkConf Paper2024pdf
Initial development of an ontology for the semiconductor domain – SemicONTOHuanyu Li, Chuanfei Wang and Patrick LambrixConf Paper2024pdf
Implementing semantic technologies in materials science and engineeringMarta Dembska, Oliver Helle, Itisha Yadav and Diana PetersConf Paper2024pdf
Linking aircraft structural testing data through semantic technologiesChrubasik, Michael; Strassburg, Hannah; Rolfe, Emily; Rajendran, Ramani Sankar; Hippolyte, Jean-Laurent; Paper2024DOI

Related Ontologies

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BVCOntology for the Battery Value Chain.CC BY 4.0Repository
Crystallography Domain OntologyA crystallography domain ontology based on EMMO and the CIF core dictionary. It is implemented as a formal language.CC BY 4.0Repository
Mechanical TestingA domain ontology for mechanical testing based on EMMO.CC BY 4.0Repository
Datamodel OntologyAn ontological description of a simple data model aimed to make application specific data semantic interoperabel.CC BY 4.0Repository
Mappings OntologyThe Mappings Ontology makes use of object property relations to create links between individuals of various other ontologies and related domains.CC BY 4.0Repository
Domain ontology for atomistic and electronic modellingAn EMMO-based domain ontology for atomistic and electronic modelling.CC BY 4.0Repository
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CIF OntologyThe EMMC crystallography task group is providing an EMMO-based Crystallography Domain Ontology, which is based on both the CIF Ontology and EMMO.CC BY 4.0Repository
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