EMMC is facilitating the Joint Workshop of EMMC related project MatCHMaker and its sister projects AddMorePower, Aid4Greenest, CoBrain, and D-Standart on "Advances in characterisation methods and computational modelling" on October 24, 2024 | 13:00-17:00 CEST.
MatCHMaker was awarded a grant under the call HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-19 - Advanced materials modelling and characterisation (RIA) as the future of European industrial manufacturing requires further advances in characterisation methods and computational modelling.
This will lead the way to the reliable design of new and sustainable materials and processes, rapid upscaling, and effective quality control. These advances can only be achieved through the development of innovative techniques and a new generation of instrumentation, responding to industrial needs.
MatCHMaker and its sister projects AddMorePower, Aid4Greenest, CoBrain, and D-Standart will introduce their approach to this topic.
Objectives of the Workshop
The representants of each project will present a particular industrial challenge (use case) and approach on the advances in characterisation methods and computational modelling in a precompetitive fashion.
Each presentation will comprise …
The expected outcome will be …
Our targeted audience are …
To have access to the recording and presentations for this workshop, you need to be registered as EMMC Full Member.