Any person who adheres to the purpose of EMMC ASBL can become an Associate Member.
Associate members benefit from access to a wide range of resources on the EMMC website, being kept up to date on EMMC activities and invitations to EMMC events, as well as the use of the EMMC online Forum for networking.
Associate Members have the right to take part in the EMMC ASBL General Assembly but have no voting rights.
Any person based in Europe who adheres to the purpose of EMMC ASBL can become a Full Individual Member.
Full Individual Members are core to the association and help drive the EMMC forward. In particular, they enjoy the following benefits:
o appoint directors
o accept new Full Members
o approve annual accounts and budget
o amend association statutes
Any company, national organisation, legal entity, university, research institute, non-profit organisation, etc. with a presence in Europe, interested in the modelling and digital representation of materials and integrated computational engineering and committing to the aims and objectives of EMMC ASBL can become an Organisational Member.
The participation of Organisational Members is critical to the success of the EMMC, helping to guide and support EMMC. The EMMC is ready to receive their input and work with them on the development of best practices, standards, roadmaps, staff training, policy development, etc.
Benefits for Organisational Members of EMMC include
Organisational Members must pay an annual contribution (see below) and are obliged to act in accordance with EMMC Statutes.
The Organisational Assembly
The Organisational Assembly (OA) is the body of representatives from the Organisational Members. OA meetings enables Organisational Members to help set priorities, hear about progress, and draw up recommendations from the Organisational Members.
The Organisational Assembly Chair and Co-Chairs
The OA elects a Chair and Co-Chair(s) with its membership drawn from representatives of the Organisational Members.
The OA Chair and Co-Chair(s) advises the EMMC ASBL Board of Directors on adoption of materials modelling and digitalisation, organisational and process issues, overarching strategy, roadmap etc.
They serve as a consensus-forming but non-voting observer member of the EMMC ASBL Board of Directors.
The OA elects the Organisational Advisory Board (OAB), with its membership drawn from representatives of the Organisational Members.
The Organisational Advisory Board (OAB)
The OAB advises the EMMC Board on adoption of materials modelling and digitalisation, organisational and process issues, overarching strategy, roadmap etc. At least one co-chair of the OAB serves as a consensus-forming but non-voting observer member of the EMMC Board of Directors.
APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna, Austria
Registration | Program | Poster Contribution | Sponsoring & Exhibition
Join the EMMC 2025 International Workshop to meet peers and discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.