Session 6

Industrial Requirements to Materials Modelling Software


While materials modelling software is playing an increasingly important role in industrial research the widespread use of these tools is still hampered by a variety of factors. A fundamental issue is posed by the different perspectives of (mostly) academic software developers and industrial end users. Listening to each other and clarifying expectations is thus of key importance for further progress. Addressing the end-user’s point of view this session will be concerned with identifying the requirements to materials modelling software. In this context, key aspects include ease of installation, robustness, ease of use, accuracy, complexity, interoperability, performance, training, support, and maintenance. Impulse talks by experts in the field will initiate a discussion about actual and future requirements of industrial end users for materials modelling software.


The main objective of this session is to identify the requirements of industrial end users to materials modelling software in order to prepare guidelines for future developments and eventually for the upcoming EMMC roadmap.


For discussions visit Session 6 Topic in Forum

Day 2 - Wednesday, Mar 03, 2021
10:50 - 12:20
Room 2

Business opportunities for materials science software
by Kurt Stokbro (Stokbro Invest, DK)

Speed-up lubricant formulation with computational chemistry tools
by Sophie Loehle (TOTAL, FR)

Advancing automotive innovation with materials modeling
by Jonathan Mueller (Volkswagen, DE)

Volker Eyert (Materials Design, FR)
