Erich Wimmer is co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Materials Design, a company developing software and providing services for materials research. His experience includes the development of advanced computational methods, their integration in software platforms and their industrial deployment.
Dr. Wimmer is author and co-author of over 130 scientific publications and has given numerous lectures worldwide. Within the EC funded EMMC-CSA, he has been a work package leader and he serves on the Board of Directors of the EMMC ASBL as Co-Chair.
Implementation Strategy of the EMMC Roadmap
The EMMC Roadmap seeks to enhance the value of materials modelling and digitalisation in Europe by increasing the industrial benefits derived from these technologies. Based on this Roadmap, which is the result of information gathering, expert meetings, and analysis by the EMMC during more than five years, this talk will highlight the results of this work by addressing key issues related to (i) the development of tools, (ii) making the tools accessible, and (iii) creating value through their exploitation. Implementation strategies for each of these points will be presented, considering scientific/technological, managerial/economic and societal/human aspects. Progress in computational materials research as well as in data sciences has been impressive, but its successful conversion into industrial values requires numerous steps. Besides the availability of high-quality interoperable software tools, one of the most critical factors is the development and training of scientists and engineers who can translate complex industrial problems into modelling strategies and communicate the computational results in a form that supports business decisions and sustainable innovation. Specific recommendations made to this end in the Roadmap will be presented, thus setting the stage for subsequent discussions.
APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna, Austria
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Join the EMMC 2025 International Workshop to meet peers and discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.