EMMC Survey on Business Models and Sustainability

Questionnaire for Materials Modelling Software Providers/Developers and Providers of Services around it

Published on 02.12.2022
Published by EMMC

Take part in our Software Owner Study we are running via the EMMC Software Taskgroup

We kindly ask for your help with a Software Owner Study we run via the EMMC Software Taskgroup (see details below), please.

We intend to investigate novel business models for software vendors and share the outcome via a white paper with the community.

Some novel aspects such as Ontologies, Marketplaces, MultiScale Workflows, and Databased Modelling will feature.

It would be great if you and/or your co-workers (we welcome different roles in a Software Organisation) may want to consider taking part in our survey.

For questions, please contact Alexandra Simperler .

You can reach the survey here:


Under the Umbrella of the EMMC initiatives we aim to explore contemporary business models in industrial software deployment for the benefit of R&D practitioners in the fields of materials modelling and characterisation. Therefore, we investigate both the usage and provision of novel software and data workflow solutions as well as their purpose within the industrial R&D and business decision support processes.

This questionnaire is an EMMC inspired action, driven by the increased adoption and valorisation of materials modelling in industrial and RTO context. As such, it originates from the EMMC Software Focus Area (FA) , Task Group 4.5 “Business Models and Sustainability”, which is recognised as the owner of this questionnaire.

We acknowledge this group’s members participations in several H2020 projects, aligned with domains of materials modelling and digitalisation in a wider sense – DOME 4.0, OntoCommons, OntoTrans and OpenModel. The output of our questionnaire is envisaged to feed back to these projects, for example by means of a white paper with results and analysis of this action. To increase the strength of the action and the value of its output, we would like to encourage these projects and their partners to participate in this questionnaire and distribute it via their networks.

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