We recognise how important it is for EMMC to be a place where people feel empowered to communicate, share and collaborate. Therefore, we take our role in keeping abuse off our service seriously. That’s why we have developed a set of Community Guidelines that outline what is and is not allowed on EMMC, particularly in emmc.eu. Our Standards apply around the world to all types of content. They’re designed to be comprehensive.
The goal of our Code of Conduct is to encourage expression and create a safe environment. We base our policies on input from our community and from experts in fields such as technology and public safety.
Our members need to be real people, who provide their real names and accurate information about themselves. It is not okay to provide misleading information about yourself or your affiliations (name, type, country), on emmc.eu.
You may not impersonate others on the emmc.eu or mislead, confuse or deceive others. Pretending to be someone else or to be representing a business in a way that is not truthful is not allowed. You are not allowed to use someone else’s name, image, or other personal information to deceive others into thinking you are someone other than yourself or associated with a business or organisation when you are not. You also may not use or attempt to use another individual’s EMMC’s account or create a member profile for anyone other than yourself.
You may not misrepresent your identity or information or mislead, confuse, or deceive others. Do not provide inaccurate information. When choosing a profile picture, you may not use an image that is not your likeness or a head-shot photo for your profile. Also, you may not manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any message or post transmitted through the Services.
When we learn that someone has passed away, we memorialise the account by adding “Remembering” on the name on the person’s profile. This makes it clear that the account is now a memorial site and protects against attempted logins and fraudulent activity. We do not remove, update, or change anything about the profile or the account because we want to respect the choices someone made while still alive. Legacy contact could be requested using our contact form. We may delete profiles when the next of kin tells us that the person who passed would have preferred that we delete the account rather than memorialise it.
We acknowledge the value of discussions around professional activities and ask our members to behave professionally by not being dishonest or inappropriate. When creating content on the emmc.eu, we ask that you keep your content professional, relevant, and on-topic. Do not share false information or use the emmc.eu to shock or intimidate others. And it is not okay to share graphic, obscene, or pornographic content on the emmc.eu.
Honest and Authenticity
We acknowledge the value of discussions around professional activities and ask our members to behave professionally by not being dishonest or inappropriate. When creating content on the emmc.eu, we ask that you keep your content professional, relevant, and on-topic. Do not share false information or use the emmc.eu to shock or intimidate others. And it is not okay to share graphic, obscene, or pornographic content on the emmc.eu.
Your messages, posts, comments, and other content must be on-topic and relevant. The emmc.eu provide a professional community for sharing professional content and information, so do not post or otherwise provide content that is irrelevant or inappropriate.
Adult Content
It’s not acceptable to post content containing nudity, sexually explicit material, or pornography. Some adult content may be allowed in an educational, medical, scientific, or professional artistic context so long as it is not gratuitously graphic. The Services are never to be used for sexual exploitation of children. You also may not post content that threatens sexual violence or sexual assault. You may not use the Services to engage in or promote escort services, prostitution, or human trafficking.
Regulated Goods
To encourage safety and compliance with common legal restrictions, we prohibit attempts by individuals, manufacturers, and retailers to purchase, sell, or trade non-medical drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, and marijuana. We also prohibit the purchase, sale, gifting, exchange, and transfer of firearms, including firearm parts or ammunition, between private individuals on emmc.eu. Some of these items are not regulated everywhere; however, because of the borderless nature of our community, we try to enforce our policies as consistently as possible.
We strive to maintain a safe and friendly community for our members. The emmc.eu shouldn’t be used to harm others or their career or business prospects or to air personal grievances and disputes. It is not okay to use the emmc.eu to harass, abuse, or send other unwelcome communications to people (e.g., romantic advances, sexually explicit content, junk mail, spam, chain letters, phishing schemes). We do not allow hate speech acts like attacking people because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, political or religious affiliations, or medical or physical condition. Also, hate groups, terrorists, and those who engage in violent crimes are not welcome and not permitted on the emmc.eu. We encourage people to user our contact form available on emmc.eu to help report such behaviour and content.
Bullying and Harrassment
Bullying or harassment that targets individuals or groups to degrade or shame them is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, abusive or humiliating language, sexual advances and innuendo, revealing others’ personal or sensitive information (aka “doxing”) or posting content about them without consent, or inciting or engaging others to do any of the same.
Hate, Violence, and Terrorism
We do not allow organisations or groups that engage in or promote violence or property damage, organised criminal activity, prejudice, or hate. Also, you may not use emmc.eu to express support for such groups or to post content or otherwise use the emmc.eu to incite violence or hatred against particular individuals or groups. Content that depicts terrorist activity, that is intended to recruit for terrorist organisations, or promotes or supports terrorism in any manner, is not tolerated on emmc.eu. We remove content, disable accounts, and work with law enforcement when we believe there is a genuine risk of physical harm or direct threats to public safety.
Harmful Content and Shocking Material
You may not post violent or graphic content or otherwise use the emmc.eu with the intent to shock or humiliate others. We do not allow activities that promote, organise, depict or facilitate criminal activity. We also do not allow content depicting or promoting instructional weapon making, drug abuse, and threats of theft. Content or activities that promote or encourage suicide or any type of self-injury, including self-mutilation and eating disorders, is also not allowed.
Untargeted, irrelevant, unwanted, unsolicited, unauthorised, inappropriately commercial or promotional, or gratuitously repetitive messages and other similar content are considered spam and are not allowed on the emmc.eu. Please make the effort to create original, professional, relevant, and interesting content in order to gain popularity, instead of trying ways to artificially increase the number of views, re-shares, likes, or comments.
Before sharing or using someone else’s copyrighted works, trademarks, private information, or trade secrets, please make sure you have the legal right to do so. The emmc.eu should not be used for illegal activities, promoting illegal products or to violate the rights of others. Don’t use the emmc.eu to commit fraud or to try to trick others. Also, don’t use the emmc.eu to intentionally distribute viruses, worms or other software that can destroy or interrupt others’ data or computer devices.
Privacy and Publicity
You must respect others’ privacy on the emmc.eu. You may not solicit email addresses or other personal information from EMMC members you don’t know without authorisation. Use, disclose or distribute any data obtained in violation of any of our policies or agreements. Disclose information that you do not have the consent to disclose (such as personal or confidential information of others, including your employer) or post or distribute content depicting children without the necessary consent from such child’s legal guardian or parent. Do not use others’ names, likenesses or photos to suggest an endorsement of a product, service or investment without their prior consent.
Compliance with Law
Your use of the emmc.eu must comply with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, export control laws, tax laws, and regulatory requirements. You may not use the emmc.eu to create or operate a pyramid scheme, engage in fraud, or to sell or promote illegal drugs.
Don’t violate the rights of EMMC. You can find more information about what this means in our User Rights and Disclaimer. It is also not okay to suggest that you are affiliated with or endorsed by EMMC when you are not. Do not violate our intellectual property rights, scrape the emmc.eu, or interfere with or disrupt the emmc.eu.
We comply with:
These could be requested using our contact.
APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna, Austria
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Join the EMMC 2025 International Workshop to meet peers and discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.