Session 7 addresses ongoing activities and plans concerning a) the development of research data infrastructures and b) digitalisation of journal data and provide an opportunity for coordinating between initiatives and planning joint work. It will be discussed what metadata standards are in use (e.g., MODA, metadata schemas, and ontologies), and how alignment and mediation between infrastructures and journal-publication based knowledge graphs can be supported. The landscape of European-funded projects, including within EOSC, will be evaluated and situated in a global context, in particular as regards the Horizon Europe programme.
The immediate objective consists in diversifying the activities of the EMMC in digitalisation, which are at present very strongly focused on a narrow subset of what constitutes digitalisation. To go beyond this, a session - this session - is needed that addresses the actual main fields of activity in digitalisation for materials modelling. On this basis, subsequent to the EMMC International Workshop, we aim at creating two task groups within the EMMC Focus Area on Digitalisation: 1) Data from journals; 2) Research data infrastructures; this is in addition to the task group on Digital Marketplaces that already exists.
FAIR policies and practices in EOSC
by Brian Matthews (UKRI STFC Rutherford Appelton Laboratory, UK)
EnzymeML: FAIR data management in biocatalysis
by Jürgen Pleiss (University of Stuttgart, DE)
Interconnecting data repositories: The Platform Material Digital (BMBF)
by Birgit Skrotzki, (BAM Materials Engineering, DE)
Building federated FAIR Data Spaces
by Yann Le Franc (eScience Data Factory, FR)
APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna, Austria
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Join the EMMC 2025 International Workshop to meet peers and discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.