Session 8

From Materials Science Software to Industrial Tools


This session will focus on the journey from academic materials modelling software to robust tools for industrial use, with examples and tips from experts in the field. Overall, it takes 10 to 15 years to move academic software to marketable software. To shorten this, innovation and incubation centres at academic institutions can play a major role. Additionally, academic researchers can benefit from introductory business & market training. It is furthermore recommended that academic developments are initiated using a permissive licensing scheme (BSD or Apache), since that’s compatible with commercial tool vendors software downstream the innovation chain. Also, the transfer of academic software to industry should be supported more strongly by the scientific community. The continuity of researchers (ending their PhDs, …) is a challenge for long-term academic R&D work.  On the industrial side, software companies should ensure to stay familiar with the state of the art to steer their R&D efforts, avoiding to re-invent the wheel, keeping pace with innovation to match with market needs and focusing on commercialization aspects. Impulse talks by experts in the field will illustrate ways for better transfer of materials science software into industrial tools.


The main objective of this session is to suggest guidelines to extend the capabilities and applicability of materials modelling software for industrial use. This includes identifying the necessary steps to be taken by (academic) software developers towards professional software development.

Session 8 is related to EMMC Focus Area "Software"

For discussions visit Session 8 Topic in Forum

Day 2 - Wednesday, Mar 03, 2021
14:10 - 15:40
Room 2

Development and Evolution of Materials Modelling Software
by Scott Woodley (UCL, UK)

Addressing Industrial Needs for Atomistic Simulations through OpenKIM
by Ellad Tadmor (University of Minnesota, US)

Building a Materials Engineering Software Product: From Academic Research to Commercialization
by Flavio Souza (Siemens Digital Industries Software, US)

Ilian Todorov (UKRI - STFC, UK)
