DOME 4.0 - Enabling interoperability and collaboration in a digital marketplace ecosystem

Amit Bhave

CMCL Innovations, United Kingdom


Dr Amit Bhave is the CEO and co-founder of CMCL Innovations, an award-winning company offering digital engineering solutions to the automotive, chemicals/materials, and energy industries.

His main responsibilities include software and services business development, and for over a decade, he has also been responsible for fostering R&D partnerships with industry and research organisations worldwide.

Amit is the Coordinator for DOME 4.0 and has led numerous projects in areas ranging from low-emission vehicles, nanomaterials production, and carbon-negative energy processes.

He is a Chemical Engineer by profession (PhD, University of Cambridge) and trained in technology enterprise management (London Business School). He is also an Associate at Hughes Hall, and has over 40 peer-reviewed technical publications.


DOME 4.0 - Enabling interoperability and collaboration in a digital marketplace ecosystem

The Digital Open Marketplace Ecosystem (DOME) 4.0 aims at providing a comprehensive industrial open data ecosystem aligned with the Open Science and Open Innovation objectives for the purpose of value generation and creation of new or enhanced products, processes and services. Given the significant contribution of the materials and manufacturing sectors to the European economy, DOME 4.0 focuses on data-driven knowledge generation within these key sectors.

The DOME 4.0 project, in its first quarter sets the vision for enabling semantic interoperability and connections with existing marketplaces, open simulation platforms, open translation environments, etc. in advanced materials and manufacturing domains. The execution of this vision entails nine B2B showcases comprising interoperability across heterogeneous data and software, as well as cross-domain decision making.

The focus of this impulse presentation is to foster discussion on the challenges and the solutions space in developing a marketplace ecosystem based on FAIR data principles.
