Tools for the merge of business economics, translation and decision systems for simulation

Anne de Baas



Anne Francisca de Baas, Dutch from origin received a physics education in Eindhoven, Utrecht and Delft in the Netherlands and a MBA in Brussels, Belgium. She has been working at Risø National Laboratories from 1986 till 1992 and at the European Commission from 1992 till 2019 in DG CNECT and DG RTD.

Most recently, she works on ontologies for materials modelling, materials- and manufacturing data.  This started with the Review of Materials Modelling  (Review of Materials Modelling VI) with standards consolidated in CEN/CENELEC CWA 17284 This includes the MODA template, a standardised way to document simulations. Currently she is working on the emmo fundamentals and an ontology for coaching on simulation opportunities.

Her former responsibilities have included the forming in 2014 of a council in the materials modelling domain (European Materials Modelling Council), now EMMC ASBL.

Prior to that, the organisation of best practice activities and technology transfer programs and responsibility for benchmarking of industrial software applications was her job (europort on  and She wrote a brochure on how to do road-mapping, on Network of Excellences and on metamaterials; all are available on


Tools for the merge of business economics, translation and decision systems for simulation

To further the industrial impact of simulation the goal of the EMMC is to provide guidance to companies. This guidance has to go beyond technical translation of one user case towards one simulation.

This guidance should bring awareness of business opportunities to all levels of company management and this guidance has to be able to create a neutral comparison between all possible options.

This talk will present the initial steps towards two tools that a COACH giving this guidance to companies can use and it will present the next tool development steps needed. The talk will end with a cordial invitation to share your knowledge on these issues.

