Patrick de Luca works at ESI since 1991, the company whose motto is ‘Innovation is in our DNA’.
I joined ESI after a PhD in Applied Mathematics (Bordeaux) and a Post-doc at Stanford in Mechanical Engineering.
I created at ESI the composite manufacturing process simulation activity, first from the technical side and then from the commercial side as a product manager of ESI Composites Solution. I was nominee at the JEC Awards and won an Award at Institut de Soudure. I had the chance to provide the composite simulations to the most important automotive and aeronautic projects in Europe. I was an Advisory Board member at the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites in UK (2012-2014).
Then I created the activity around the End-to-End simulation of composite parts.
Now I have a Scientific Director position and my focus is on European strategic partnerships. Additionally to EMMC, I am involved in many organisations like EFFRA, EIT Manufacturing, Aerospace Valley, BDVA, CMH-17, NAFEMS. I have been involved in dozens of European project proposals with a particular action in the consortium building and in execution in 30 collaborative projects.
In my career, the objective of expanding the material modeling in the global product life performance was a constant. I believe we made significant progresses in accounting in the design phase for the material properties evolutions resulting from the manufacturing operations. Thanks to the COMPOSELECTOR project, I discovered EMMC and the wonderful concept of ‘Design without the material’. It really opens the door for a breakthrough that will make ultimately possible to assess the product performance and the design of its manufacturing process while the to-be-used material does not exist in the real world.
APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna, Austria
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Join the EMMC 2025 International Workshop to meet peers and discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.