Dr. Donna Dykeman is the Collaborative R&D Programme Manager at Ansys Granta, maintaining a strategic view on the company’s involvement in all CR&D projects and working groups. Donna has been working on CR&D projects for Ansys Granta since 2012, notably in the areas of digital transformation for characterisation and modelling (e.g. ICME).
Prior to joining Ansys Granta, Donna spent 14 years in the field of polymer composites manufacturing, process modelling and in-service charactersization and modelling, and holds a PhD in Materials Engineering (University of British Columbia).
EMMC, EMCC related activities:
Demonstrating Impact
Since its inception in 2012, the European Materials Modelling Council has generated and maintained a Roadmap [1] to address the gaps and actions raised by industry and academic partners. It has been an influential tool for policy makers and funding agencies, notably H2020 where its recommendations were adopted across several calls.
The roadmap is now in a mature state and needs continual update to respond to a dynamic global market and circumstances (such as covid-19), to reach wider audiences beyond the European frameworks, and to expand input from increasingly diverse industrial sectors.
To continue to gain influence, demonstrating the Roadmap strategy and how its implementation leads to success for industry and academia is key. Gaining feedback on qualitative and quantitative business-related impacts can be challenging as progress in new areas often requires confidentiality. In a recent, brief survey with H2020 project coordinators working on EMMC related topics, the overlaps in ambition and achieved benefits for industry points to similar goals which can be brought together for a harmonized impact statement.
In this talk and discussion, we will review the roadmap implementation strategy as it relates to H2020 ongoing project outcomes (2020-2025), discuss the common qualitative and quantitative impact strategies, relay new gaps and actions as proposed by project coordinators, and open the discussion to the audience to explore proposals to track the progress and harmonize impact statements.
APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna, Austria
Registration | Program | Poster Contribution | Sponsoring & Exhibition
Join the EMMC 2025 International Workshop to meet peers and discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.