Dr. Vis Dhanisetty is a Senior R&D Engineer at the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR). Within NLR Vis plays several roles projects/proposals lead, NLR Living Lab member, and subject-matter expert on various topics such as predictive maintenance, MRO technologies, fatigue characterization and aircraft inspections.
Vis conducted his Ph.D. research at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) on the topic of maintenance repair decision-making for impact damages on composite structures. After the graduation in 2019, Vis continued his career in academia as a lecturer at TU Delft, teaching and facilitating courses in the Air Transport & Operations department.
In late 2020, Vis joined at his current employer overseeing projects related to digital twinning, robotization/modelling of inspection and other MRO innovations. He also contributed to a number of EU and national proposals. This experience lead to his first proposal coordinator role for D-STANDART. This ambitious proposal focussed on developing rapid methods to characterise fatigue damage in composites and sustainability of composite supply chains. D-STANDART proposal was granted in the summer of 2022 and the project kick-off was held in January 2023.
Advanced composite manufacturing is becoming crucial in the global sustainable drive for a climate-neutral future as enabler of lightweight structures in, for example, the aerospace and wind energy sector. Their increased relevance has raised the importance of damage tolerance and durability of composite structures, currently dealt with time-consuming and inaccurate techniques. Hence the objective of D-STANDART is to develop rapid methods to characterise fatigue damage in composites and sustainability of composite supply chains; and thereby model the durability and sustainability of large‑scale composite structures with arbitrary layups under realistic conditions (loads, environment, manufacturing imperfections).
The D-STANDART project contributes to the development of sustainable lightweight composite products by designing fast and accurate testing methods that build a repository of material data. This characterisation data is used to train Artificial Intelligence (AI) surrogate models and advance multi-scale models which demonstrate the prediction capability of the durability performance and hence improved assessment of the product life cycle. Meanwhile the interfaces of these activities are supported by the digital thread, forming the foundation for a Digital Component Passport (see Figure 1).
Two use cases have been selected to validate the modelled durability performance both in the aerospace and renewable energy sectors. Furthermore, circularity and sustainability will be assessed via dedicated life-cycle assessment, life cycle costing and cost-benefit analysis.
This 36-month Research and Innovation Action started in 1st of January 2023 and involves nine partners (3 universities, 2 RTOs, 2 industry, and 2 SMEs) from four countries (United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Germany, and France). The consortium will be supported by an Advisory Board formed of five end users embracing the value chain to validate requirements, guide on relevant approach to certification, and finally support results uptake, in tight alignment with EMMC and EMCC.
Cordis: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101091409
Website : https://d-standart.eu/
APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna, Austria
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Join the EMMC 2025 International Workshop to meet peers and discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.