EU Policy landscape in Materials & Digitalisation

Esther Hurtós

Eurecat, Spain


R&I Policy and Funding Programmes expert at Eurecat Technology Centre, in Barcelona.

She holds a Physics degree and a PhD in Materials Science. She has over 7 years of experience working in R&I positions for 3 industrial companies from different sectors.

She has worked for more than 15 years in Eurecat, in different positions as project coordinator, NMBP Programme manager, leading the Proposals Preparation unit and, since 2019, as responsible of R&I Policy and Funding Programmes.

She actively participates in several technology platforms and associations at EU and national level, representing the R&I interests from different sectors and thematics.

Co-chair of the EMMC Policy Focus Area and member of the Made in Europe Partnership board.


EU Policy landscape in Materials & Digitalisation

This is a crucial moment in which the last years of the EU's flagship research and innovation
program Horizon Europe are being strategically planned while a bunch of policy initiatives that
rely on R&I are being published.

The renewed urgency for EU strategic autonomy has brought the relevance of materials
research back to the scene, intertwined with the digital and green transition.

An overview of the most recent initiatives that shape the Materials and Digitalisation research
needs will be presented.
