EMMC related H2020 project OntoCommons invites to the online
Top-Level and Mid-Level Ontologies Multi-Disciplinary Workshop
March 25 & 29, 2021 and April 9, 2021
The Top-Level and Mid-Level Ontologies Multi-Disciplinary Workshop is primarily intended to gather Top Level Ontology (TLO) and Mid-Level Ontology (MLO) stakeholders to create an EU based network, spanning from the philosophical community to formal TLO/MLO developers and users.
The workshop will give the opportunity to all attendees to contribute to the OntoCommons goal to create a Top Reference Ontology to facilitate alignments and comparisons between TLOs and MLOs, which will constitute the core of the OntoCommons EcoSystem (OCES): a set of ontologies and tools in the industrial domain following state-of-the art FAIR rules that will enable end users to harvest their potential at different levels, according to their specific needs.
If you have any question, please contact: emanuele.ghedini@unibo.it
APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna, Austria
Registration | Program | Poster Contribution | Sponsoring & Exhibition
Join the EMMC 2025 International Workshop to meet peers and discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.