EMMC related H2020 project OntoTrans is organising a webinar on
"Tackling Materials and Manufacturing Innovation Challenges with Digitalised Translation - from conceptualisation to ontology"
December 7, 2021 / 10.00 CET
Translators support innovation processes for new products and provide their expertise as kind of a glue between the involved stakeholders. Industrial needs regarding materials and manufacturing innovation challenges are tackled by the Translator using the well-established six steps of translation in materials modelling for advancing the value provided by products and organisations. In more detail, the approach to generate new insights and knowledge by (human) translators can be understood as a semiotic process comprising several iterations of sequential abductive, deductive and inductive reasoning steps in cooperation with their customer.
In this webinar, we show how translation can be formalised and digitalised stepwise by first elaborating a conceptualisation of the innovation case in terms of its objects (materials, devices etc) and processes, each with associated properties (and ways of determining them). This forms the basis of further formalisation into an ontology, which in turn can be deployed in a knowledge base that encapsulates the above semiotic processes of translation inside a FAIR digitalised solution that simplifies sharing and reuse of knowledge.
Speakers & Presentations
Michael Noeske (Fraunhofer IFAM, DE)
Emanuele Ghedini (UNIBO, IT)
Jesper Friis (SINTEF, NO)
APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna, Austria
Registration | Program | Poster Contribution | Sponsoring & Exhibition
Join the EMMC 2025 International Workshop to meet peers and discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.