Chair - Session 4

HomeEMMC 2025Speakers

Natalia Bedoya-Martinez

MCL, Austria


Dr. Natalia Bedoya is a senior scientist at the Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH (MCL).

Throughout her scientific career, she has focused on using computer simulations to understand, characterize, and improve the thermal transport properties of materials for technological applications.

Dr. Bedoya obtained her PhD in physics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. After graduating, she held several postdoctoral positions at various European institutions, including CEA-Saclay, Liphy-Grenoble, Fraunhofer-IWM-Freiburg, and TU-Graz.

In late 2018, she joined MCL as a permanent staff member, focusing on developing numerical methods for thermal transport in nanomaterials. Since 2022, she has led MCL's software development and data management team. Her team supports developing and integrating stand-alone software tools and digital platforms to accelerate materials development and promote FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) materials data management.
