Who believes in modelling? Lessons learnt in a European SME

Małgorzata Celuch

QWED, Poland


Dr. Malgorzata Celuch is QWED Sp. z o.o. co-founder (1997), President (executive since 2017; VP 1997‑2017), and Senior Scientist, a lead co-author of QuickWave commercial electromagnetic software package.

Her research on physics-based modelling dates back to M.Sc. (1988, honours) and Ph.D. (1996, honours) at the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), where she was holding academic positions till 2017. She is author of 170+ scientific peer-reviewed papers and 6 monograph chapters (h-index 16, 960 citations), recipient of 10+ awards for excellence. Her current research interests are in the development of multi-physics modelling of energy materials and applications to the development of GHz techniques for materials processing and characterisation.

Dr. Celuch has led research teams in 8 European projects at WUT and QWED (on-going H2020 NanoBat). On the global arena, her activities are exercised through IEEE (member of Technical Committee MTT-1, Associate Editor of J. Multiscale & Multiphyscis Comp. Tech., Vice-Chair of PS WiE AG), American Ceramics Society (EMA), and iNEMI (5G Materials Characterisation).

She has been reviewer for 10+ journals and numerous conferences, invited speaker, workshop organiser, and session chair. She has served as expert for the European Commission FP7 and H2020 programmes. She is member of the EMMC Board of Directors and co-leads Focus Area "Advancements in Modelling and Characterisation" of the EMMC and seeks contributions to an emerging Task Group (tentatively titled Linking and Coupling Computational Chemistry to Electromagnetics).

Dr. Celuch’s career is distinctive in the field, in that it combines scientific accomplishments with their successful business implementation at QWED (which being currently a company of 15+ R&D engineers, successfully competes with corporations of 10000+, in the areas of physical computer simulations and material measurements). Simulatenously, as a graduate of the United World Colleges (, Malgorzata upholds the values of diversity and integrity, promotes intercultural understanding, and contributes to non‑profit educational actions.


Who believes in modelling? Lessons learnt in a European SME

