Session 12

The EMMC Roadmap in the R&I Landscape


Materials Modelling and Digitisation is a technology enabler to reach many of the policy goals targeted in the different EU programmes. In this session, funding programmes under preparation for the next multiannual financial framework (MFF) will be identified, where materials modelling and digitalisation has the role to foster innovation in companies.

A benchmark of how these programmes are inter-linked with the EMMC roadmap priorities will be performed, followed by gap identification and proposals for action (e.g. review of workprogrammes drafts and of EMMC roadmap).

In addition, synergies and coordination needs between the relevant actions in EU programmes will be explored.


The objectives of the Session will be the identification of the EMMC Roadmap gaps related to different R&I funding programmes and proposal on recommended actions to fill them. The session will also be useful to raise awareness within the EMMC Community of the potential opportunities for funding their R&I activities.

For discussions visit Session 12 Topic in Forum

Day 3 - Thursday, Mar 04, 2021
14:00 - 15:30
Room 2

Benchmark of R&I programmes with the EMMC roadmap priorities
by Esther Hurtós (EURECAT, ES)

Towards pairing up materials modelling and characterisation
by Javier Sanfélix  & Yanaris Ortega Garcia (DG RTD, EC)

Advanced Materials research and development in the European Defence Fund
by Erno Vandeweert (DG Defence Industry and Space, EC)

Digital Europe: Path towards Exascale and Quantum Computing. Opportunities for materials modelling and digital transformation
by Matteo Mascagni (DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, EC)

Challenges in the Supply Chains for the Green Transition
by Alessandro Cavalli (JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE, Directorate C: Energy, Transport & Climate, EC)

Gerhard Goldbeck (EMMC Executive Secretary / Goldbeck Consulting, UK)
