
Ludovic Jason

CEA, France


Dr Ludovic JASON is a Research Director at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), which is a key player in research, development and innovation in France.

He focuses on civil engineering and especially on the simulation of cracking process in reinforced concrete structures, with an application to containment buildings of nuclear power plants.

Since 2022, he has been the coordinator of Horizon Europe MatCHMaker project on Open data and industry-driven environment for materials characterization and modelling combining physics and data-based approaches.


Horizon Europe MatCHMaker Project

The Horizon Europe MatCHMaker project is determined to support excellence in research on methods and tools for advanced materials development. MatCHMaker will enable the integration and interoperability of complex Characterization & Modelling (C&M) workflows matching the needs of EU manufacturing industry. Requirements on multiphase and multiscale materials coming from Construction, Energy and Mobility sectors will be translated into specific innovation challenges that can be addressed by an integrated approach combining characterization and (physics and data-based) modelling for establishing the process-microstructure-macroscopic properties correlation in advanced materials in a reproducible and efficient way reducing development costs, time and risks while improving sustainability.

The ambition of MatCHMaker is to validate project results on three Use Cases (UC) representatives of low carbon and clean industry: UC1 - Construction - Cement; UC2 - Energy - Solid Oxide Fuel Cells/Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOFC/SOEC); UC3 - Mobility - Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC).

Project website:

