Material science is evolving from tightly and syntactic connected modelling workflows into more flexible workflows consisting of loosely connected and replaceable modelling software and databases. To exchange data with unambiguous, shared meaning between such loosely couples modelling software that may have been developed independently of each other by groups from different disciplines using different terminology demands an increasingly more explicit and machine-interpretable semantics. Ontologies in the form of logical domain theories and their knowledge bases offer rich representations of machine-interpretable semantics for systems and databases in the loosely coupled world, thus ensuring greater semantic interoperability and integration.
The scope of this session is to bring key stakeholders together to increase awareness of and harmonisation between ongoing interoperability initiatives as well as to foster wider collaborations and support aligned development. Focus will be given to tools to work with ontologies and challenges, requirements, and lesson learned from interoperability success stories.
Working toward Interoperability: Nanomine to Metamine and ontologies
by L. Cate Brinson (Duke University, US)
Towards ontologies for databases interoperability
by Gian-Marco Rignanese (Université Catholique de Louvain, BE)
Tool Suites for Working with Ontologies
by Jean-Baptiste Lamy (LIMICS Sorbonne, FR)
A data-model driven approach for semantic interoperability in scientific software
by Thomas Hagelien (SINTEF, NO)
Jesper Friis (SINTEF, NO)
Davide Di Stefano (Ansys, UK)
APR 8-10, 2025 | TU Wien | Vienna, Austria
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Join the EMMC 2025 International Workshop to meet peers and discuss advances and future directions in how both accelerated innovation and sustainability are supported by a Knowledge Ecosystem based on materials modelling and data integration.