Impact in Industry

HomeFocus Areas

Industrial Impact is a core objective of EMMC. This Focus Area is concerned with all dimensions that play a role in impactful use of materials modelling in industry, in particular People (e.g. Training, Translators), Processes (e.g. Translation, Integration of materials modelling into business workflows), Models (e.g. readiness and management of software, integrated platforms, multi-scale modelling) and Data (e.g. documentation, management, analysis).

The Focus Areas can draw on a number of Outcomes of the EMMC and related projects, including a Maturity Model for Materials Modelling, White Papers on Strategies for industry to engage in materials modelling and the Economic Impact of Materials Modelling as well as the EMMC Translators Guide.


  • People: Elaborate recommendations for a workforce that enables increased industrial impact. This activity includes identifying skills gaps, supporting relevant training of experts as well as occasional users, strengthening the role of Translators, improving understanding of the best mix of skills to support a wide use of modelling activities in companies.
  • Processes: Improve understanding of the integration of modelling in industry to work out best practice workflows at different levels of the organisation, from the research team to the business. It includes Business Decision Support Systems.
  • Models: Supporting industry in making the right choices for model selection and improved management and use of models for organisational and specialised application purposes.
  • Data: Materials modelling consumes data and produces large amounts of data. How can this landscape best be managed, modelling and experimental data be combined, traceability be improved, data driven modelling be supported?

Leading Team

Provisional Chair: Peter Klein (Fraunhofer ITWM, Germany)

Provisional Co-Chair: Daniel Hoeche (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany)

Provisional Task Group (TG) Leaders:

TG 5.1 - Patrick de Luca (ESI Group, France)
TG 5.2 - Natalia Konchakova (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany)
TG 5.3 - Denka Hristova-Bogaerds (DPI, The Netherlands)
TG 5.4 - Glenn Jones (Johnson Matthey Plc, UK)

Task Groups

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